
Email: kadhitha [AT] purdue [DOT] edu

I am currently looking for internship opportunities, for summer 2023, related to compilers, programming languages and high-performance computing, preferably research-oriented. Email: kadhitha@purdue.edu

I am Adhitha Dias, a graduate student at Purdue ECE, working with Prof. Milind Kulkarni. I am broadly interested in systems, compilers and high performance computing. My current research focuses on optimized code generation for sparse tensor algebraic operations.

I received my Honors Degree of Bachelor of Science Honors in Engineering (B.Sc.(Hons.) in Engineering) from University of Moratuwa, where I completed my thesis on Deep Learning through Augmented Reality Based User Interaction for Collaborative Automation under the advisement of Dr. Ranga Rodrigo.

During my undergrad, I did an internship at LiveLabs Urban Lifestyle Innovation Platform, School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University with the supervision of Prof. Jie Xiong and Prof. Youngki Lee on Human Computer Interaction and wifi based indoor localization using direction of arrival estimation techniques.

Upon graduation, before starting my graduate studies, I worked as a Software Engineer at Sysco LABS, Sri Lanka where we developed and maintained applications for Sysco Corporation, USA.

Resume     CV     SOP (Outdated)     Transcript (Grad)    


  • June 2022: Our paper, my first paper as a grad student, won the best paper award at the International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS) ‘22
  • June 2022: Received a travel grant to attend PLDI ‘22
  • May 2022: Our paper titled, SparseLNR: Accelerating Sparse Tensor Computations Using Loop Nest Restructuring, was accepted at the International Conference on Supercomputing ‘22
  • Octobar 2021: Attended Programming Language Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) at SPLASH ‘21 (ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity)
  • June 2021: Attended Programming Language Mantoring Workshop (PLMW) at PLDI ‘21 (ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation)
  • January 2021: Started my PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University.
  • December 2020: Left my first job at Sysco LABS, Sri Lanka (Sysco LABS supports Sysco’s digital transformation with engineering teams in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Austin and Houston, Texas, in the USA)
  • June 2020: Our paper Deep Learning of Augmented Reality Based Human Interactions for Automating a Robot Team got accepted to ICCAR 2020 (International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics)
  • December 2018: Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka with a first class in BSc.(Hons.) in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.