Adhitha Dias


I am actively seeking internship opportunities, preferably research-oriented, for the summer of 2025, with a focus on compilers, programming languages, and high-performance computing.

I am a fourth-year PhD candidate in Computer Engineering at Purdue University, with a broad interest in compilers, programming languages, and high-performance computing. I am advised by Prof. Milind Kulkarni. My current research focuses on developing compile-time optimizations for sparse tensor algebra computations, aiming to enhance computational efficiency.
Resume   |   CV  


  • Octobar 2024: My paper SparseAuto: An Auto-scheduler for Sparse Tensor Computstions using Recursive Loop Nest Restructuring got accepted to The Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2024.
  • Aug 2024: I have completed an internship with Meta, formerly known as Facebook, on MTIA compiler working on adding float8 compiler support, and writing quantization and dequantization kernels.
  • Aug 2023: I have completed an internship with Adobe on accelerating their Firefly, GenAI Diffusion based image generation model, using activation checkpointing and model parallelism.
  • June 2022: Our paper, my first paper as a grad student, won the best paper award at the International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS) '22
  • June 2022: Received a travel grant to attend PLDI '22
  • May 2022: Our paper titled, SparseLNR: Accelerating Sparse Tensor Computations Using Loop Nest Restructuring, was accepted at the International Conference on Supercomputing '22
  • Octobar 2021: Attended Programming Language Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) at SPLASH '21 (ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity)
  • June 2021: Attended Programming Language Mantoring Workshop (PLMW) at PLDI '21 (ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation)
  • January 2021: Started my PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University.
  • December 2020: Left my first job at Sysco LABS, Sri Lanka (Sysco LABS supports Sysco’s digital transformation with engineering teams in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Austin and Houston, Texas, in the USA)
  • June 2020: Our paper Deep Learning of Augmented Reality Based Human Interactions for Automating a Robot Team got accepted to ICCAR 2020 (International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics)
  • December 2018: Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka with a first class in BSc.(Hons.) in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.